
1st Intro


The Dual of It All



Who was the one that said that Waterloo wouldn’t be taken?
Who in point of fact said that Rome wasn’t built in one day?
Who ever thought of love and hate as equals in time of war?
And, who is it among the tired that does not fear fright itself?
Come now, I would like to know!

I fear love like the plague that may poison my entity;
Perhaps, I shall never know what it is like to be free.
I toil, labour, and sweat all day – the gold digger, I;
The forgotten pleasures in life are not what I seek.
I live life in a perpetual military comfort zone;
Nobody likes a fool – a humble, meek soul.
I dream of a home where all tend to live;
My dear Earth – oh, how I admire you.
I long for a life of sweet splendour;
And, when attained I set it aside.
I love the emotion of loneliness;
It is the only angel I can relate.
I hate the mongrel that’s within me;
The Spirit, he manipulates me at times.
I do not fear the unknown as almost all do;
This is the reason I continue to carry on living.
I am very rarely sorry for whatever I have done;
A lack of mere remorse is a sign of great divinity.
I strive to find my purpose for what a god has given me;
Perplexed, confused, bewildered – at times I wonder why?
I would like to believe, all things considered, that this the motto;
“Do onto others as you wish they do onto you!” Could this be it?
I love not, yet love not being alone – pleasurable emotes;
Perhaps, I am confused of being confused – mind over matter.

How ever did the Titanic sink – was it just a terrible mistake?
How ever did the Great War begin – sparks on a shorter fuse?
How ever did we get this way – such an anti-dualistic approach?
And, how ever will the stricken White Dove fly ever so high?
Come now, I would like to know!

You love to love within the confines of your own shadow;
This is the solace of your romanticism – it never ends.
You harass as if not to know cause of oblivion;
A red light to you means go elsewhere, my love.
You punch, tap, and slap – a way of life;
Feelings of another; approachable animals.
You barge you way in as if to announce the tort;
This is the method of your greeting, your way of "Hello."
You rule with your own set of regulations; a consternation;
The legislation you have set down does not apply to your senses.
You expect the most high and nothing more, nothing less;
No-one is willing to live a life of slavery – to jail is to be?
You don’t do onto others as they had done onto you;
A principle somehow gone or lost; it’s in your soul.
You spend your time in stratification of many layers;
A company never intertwined – separation is the desire.
You must be secretive, for you have been closeted deeply;
These traits no-one can ever mind or perhaps would ever care.
You laze about within a 24-hour clock as if to be catered;
It’s the 21st Century - no one likes a King or Queen.
You hope to find one that will support your dreams;
Understand that your labours will bring their fulfillment.
You love your own life – you love your own being – egotistical;
Not letting anyone special to come in, nor to knock the door.

What ever happened to Romeo & Juliet – were their lives in vain?
What ever happened to Eve – was it the Devil inside Adam?
What ever is it that you make of your love – a dog or a leech?
And, what ever will it take until one knows?
Come now, I would like to know!

We wake to a new morn aspiring to do all that we can;
Some less and some greater: for reasons whatever.
We, for the most part, attempt to be kind;
Although, the finish line is always so far away.
We, in the end, as though it would seem, always hurt one another;
Still, the good intention had been sought, not?
We talk but none of us listen to what the other may say;
Communication – a telegram gone astray.
We dream of dreams ever so wonderful;
At times, it is nice to wonder about the unknown.
We differ about the different differences to be desired;
And in this, we know not of the understanding of what ought to be understood.
We try. "To each and everyone’s will!" – a simple reply.
Yet, within our own reciprocity, misery is always at arms reach.
We are always insecure – the list is endless, dear I;
To hold on to something is not a course but a lesson.
We endure time continuously in seclusion;
Watch for the guards because it is here we stand in this institution.
We never labour for what we hoped for – one and the other;
Individualistic Freedom versus Relative Holism!
We spend our moments ever so apart;
It seems that our interests are not entwined.
We must come to a halt and think not of just of yours or mine;
In the end, our good-byes will be nothing but wasted time.

So, why does the mind, at times, come before the mind?
So, why are the stars so infinite and so far?
So, why does the sea hug the beach?
And, so, why is it that we have such a deeper love?
Come now, I would like to know!


We never understood the real meaning that lied within…
True friendship – the course – yet, the void became our greatest sin.



Being alive!   Feeding the birds...   Walking around...   Sitting at a bench...   Watching people...   Being peaceful!           1, 2, 3


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